Through classroom instruction and experiments students will get an overview of some of America's greatest inventors. The class series will take place over a 4 week period. Each class will last 2 hours and focus on a different inventor. Over the course of the series students will work collaboratively to create a light bulb, morse code, telephone and glider.
Students can sign up for entire series or only the classes they are interested in. We have morning and afternoon sessions.
Cost is $10 per class to be paid on first day of class.
8/12 10:00 am Samuel Morse - Morse Code
8/19 10:00 am Thomas Edison - Light Bulb
8/26 10:00 am Alexander Graham Bell - Telephone
9/09 10:00 am The Wright Brothers - Glider
American Inventors
(Remotely Operated Vehicle)
Over a 4 week period students will learn how to build, wire, and launch a submersible ROV (submarine). Students will work collaboratively as a team in building the ROV submarine. On the last day students will gather at a local pool where they will test the submarine, engage in competitions and experiments.
Camp dates: 9/9, 9/16, 9/23 and 9/30
Time: 3:30 - 6:00 pm
Cost of the camp is $75 (half due at registration)
Submarine Build
Rube Goldberg - Mousetrap
COMING THIS FALL . . . . . . . . . . . .
Over the course of 5 weeks students will learn about the 6 simple machines and then utilize this knowledge to create their own Rube Goldberg-type creations from everyday objects such as marbles, legos, popsicle sticks, etc.
Dates TBA